The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life. After that, you can gradually introduce solid foods while continuing to breastfeed until at least 12 months of age or longer if both you and your baby wish to continue. Here are some signs that your baby may be ready to start eating solid foods:

  1. Your baby can sit up with support or on their own.
  2. Your baby has good head and neck control.
  3. Your baby has lost the tongue-thrust reflex, which means they can move food from the front to the back of their mouth and swallow it.
  4. Your baby shows interest in what you’re eating and may even try to grab food from your plate.
  5. Your baby is still hungry after a full breastfeeding session.

It’s important to introduce solid foods gradually, one at a time, and wait a few days before introducing another food to make sure your baby isn’t allergic or intolerant to it. Start with small amounts of soft foods, such as pureed vegetables, fruits, or baby cereals, and gradually increase the amount and texture as your baby gets used to it.

Consult your pediatrician if you have any concerns about when and how to introduce solid foods to your baby.